Video files for educational use or to guide self-care can be downloaded here.
SCHEDULE A ConsultationVideo files for educational use or to guide self-care can be downloaded here.
SCHEDULE A ConsultationStudent Hailey Hardcastle gives her explanation for why schools should offer mental health days, taking us on her journey through mental health and activism in schools today
This animated video on depression depicts depression in easy-to-understand terms, going over the difference between depression and feeling depressed, explaining the science behind depression, and recommending ways to help
Stress negatively impacts your brain in drastic and dangerous ways–but these effects don’t have to be permanent. Madhumita Murgia breaks the science down in simpler terms.
I personally schedule all my own appointments for new patients by telephone. Please call me at 508-343-0001. If you do not reach me, you may leave a confidential voicemail message and I will return your call within one working day. Be sure to tell me the best time to reach you. I am usually scheduling new patient visits one to two weeks ahead of time.
During the time of Coronavirus social distancing, I am using a secure telehealth method for appointments. Also, during this Coronavirus emergency, many states are allowing their residents to be treated, via telepsychiatry, by psychiatrists who are licensed elsewhere. If you would like to work with me, please don’t hesitate to contact my office.