As more and more people get vaccinated, and things begin to go back to normal, a question comes to mind: what does “normal” even mean? For some, seeing friends and family is a relief, as is settling back into old routines. For others, they may never feel settled again. The lasting psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population are still too early to fully predict and investigate, but the reality of post-pandemic anxiety is starting to emerge for many. Nearly 4 million people have died from COVID-19 and 100 million more have lost their jobs–how easy will the pandemic be to forget? Many experts give their thoughts on the matter in BBC’s latest, ensuring us that these feelings are natural and advising us on how one might deal with re-entry anxiety. “Break it down into steps with something that feels easier and do it, even though it feels scary”, says Shari Steinman, assistant professor of psychology, and Larkin’s colleague at West Virginia University. “Don’t go to a crowded ball game on day one – start with playing catch with a friend.” Read the full article here.



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