For those already struggling with a mental illness, the pandemic has hit hard. Nearly half of American adults have reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted by the stress and isolation brought on by the virus, and the coping mechanisms people have spent years working on have fallen apart without warning. Luckily people have found ways to help themselves, including the use of teletherapy, a viable and safe option for those seeking help.

Read more about people’s experiences in coping with the pandemic here.

For more on the stats and statistics concerning the impact of COVID-19 on our mental health, read the American Psychiatric Association’s study here.

On a related note, while many have had their mental health compromised during quarantine, others have recently been hit with re-entry anxiety. This article advises us to take it slow and steady, invest in our mental health, set our own boundaries, and always know you can seek help.

To read more useful articles click here.

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