Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) presents a complex challenge in the realm of mental health, with limited research available to guide treatment decisions. However, recent insights gleaned from an anonymous online survey shed light on the effectiveness of various treatment options for individuals grappling with HPPD.


Understanding HPPD Treatment

HPPD, characterized by the persistent re-experiencing of perceptual symptoms following hallucinogenic drug use, can significantly impair daily functioning and quality of life. Effective treatment strategies are essential to alleviate distress and improve overall well-being.


Survey Findings

The survey, completed by 658 respondents, offered valuable insights into the treatment landscape for HPPD:

  1. Medication Use: A staggering 91% of respondents reported using medication, supplements, or other mental health treatments since the onset of HPPD.
  2. Pharmacologic Interventions: Benzodiazepines emerged as the most effective pharmacologic class, with a notable 58% reporting symptom improvement and only 7% experiencing worsening symptoms. Conversely, antidepressants had universally poor rates of improvement (11%) and were more likely to cause symptom worsening (33%).
  3. Other Medications: Medications from alternative classes also showed promise, with significant rates of improvement reported for Lamotrigine (42%), Ketamine (36%), and Olanzapine (37%).
  4. Non-Pharmacologic Approaches: Interestingly, non-pharmacologic interventions such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and neurofeedback demonstrated high rates (40-49%) of symptom improvement. While these approaches commonly resulted in only slight improvement, their effectiveness underscores the importance of holistic treatment modalities.


Implications for Treatment

The survey results underscore the need for personalized and comprehensive treatment approaches for HPPD. While pharmacologic interventions like Benzodiazepines show promise for symptom management, the varying responses highlight the importance of tailoring treatment plans to individual needs and preferences.


Moving Forward

As our understanding of HPPD continues to evolve, it is imperative to prioritize further research into effective treatment modalities. By leveraging insights from surveys and clinical studies, healthcare professionals can refine treatment approaches and improve outcomes for individuals living with HPPD.



The insights gleaned from the survey offer valuable guidance for healthcare professionals and individuals navigating the complexities of HPPD treatment. By integrating pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions, we can support individuals on their journey towards recovery and improved quality of life.


Empowering Lives Affected by Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder with Dr. Steven Locke

As we conclude our discussion on Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD), it’s essential to recognize the profound impact these conditions can have on individuals’ lives. Dr. Steven Locke stands as a beacon of hope and expertise in this often misunderstood realm of psychiatry.

In a world where awareness of HPPD remains scarce, Dr. Locke’s dedication shines through. His deep understanding of the symptoms and treatments for these disorders has provided solace for countless individuals worldwide, offering a lifeline for those who may feel lost and alone in their struggle.

The persistence of symptoms can indeed cast a shadow over one’s life, leading to depression and anxiety. However, it’s crucial to remember that these associated conditions are treatable, and Dr. Locke possesses a wealth of experience in managing them effectively.

For years, Dr. Locke has demonstrated his commitment to guiding patients through assessments, diagnostics, consultations, and treatments, empowering them to better manage their condition and reclaim their quality of life.

If you suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of HPPD, we encourage you to take the online Johns Hopkins HPPD survey. Your participation not only contributes to research efforts but also serves as a crucial step towards understanding and managing your condition.

Complete the survey, print your results, and reach out to Dr. Steven Locke via email at Steven.Locke@drstevenlocke.com or fax them securely to 508-213-3776.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and with Dr. Locke’s expertise and support, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Reach out today by calling (508) 343-0001 or visiting our website for more information.

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