When you think “therapist,” you often don’t think “teenager.” But this summer, many kids are turning to the podcast “Teenager Therapy,” started by five teenagers at Loara High School in Anaheim, California, as a way to get through the day. These five teens have honest, open conversations about school, mental health, relationships, and their daily routines during lockdown. Students around the world have reported that hearing other kids talk about experiences similar to theirs has created a kind of online safe space where it’s ok to be vulnerable, especially at a time when quarantine has made it harder to talk to others. It’s made for teenagers and made by teenagers, something that holds a different kind of value and importance than a professional therapist. Read more about the podcast here.

The pandemic has contributed to a rise in mental health problems for adolescents. This study maps out how young girls have been feeling during this time.

If you’re a parent looking to help your child, this Los Angeles Times article may give some good advice.

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