Seasonal depression is sometimes used as a punchline during the winter, but for many, the waning daylight has a very real effect on one’s mental health. You may experience mood swings, shifts in eating habits, and decreasing energy levels, and for some, the symptoms are so severe that winter disrupts their entire lives. Recently, research has shown that some sun lamps are very effective in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder. This article goes through numerous research and studies on both seasonal depression and the benefits of sun lamps to come to a recommendation of a couple different therapeutic light boxes. The Carex Day-Light Classic Lamp especially was a top recommendation by the Center for Environmental Therapeutics, a collective of scientists and clinicians dedicated to environmental therapies. Of course, light therapy isn’t the only treatment for SAD. Talk to your doctor or physician to figure out your best course of treatment. It could include anything from sun lamps to cognitive behavioral therapy, to just spending more time outside.

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