Monthly Archives: September 2020

The Truth Behind Melatonin

Melatonin is the hormone largely responsible for our sleep schedules. We tend to think of melatonin as fairly benign and many people take melatonin tablets as dietary supplements as a helpful sleep aid. However, recent studies have shown that melatonin can have harmful effects, especially when taken without any understanding of how it works or …

12 Symptoms of Dehydration

Some people have never been good at taking care of themselves, me included. This leads to issues like dehydration, which is much more common, and much more deadly, than many of us believe, sometimes even leading to loss of consciousness. This Health article gives a list of symptoms of dehydration–including some lesser known ones like …

Depression during COVID-19

It’s no surprise by now that COVID-19 has worsened people’s mental health. Data from the COVID-19 and Life Stressors Impact on Mental Health showed that all levels of depression showed a significant increase, while people with household incomes below $45,000 were 2.37 times more likely to show symptoms. What might surprise people is that not …

The Psychiatrist Will See You…Online

The ongoing pandemic has forced many medical clinics and therapists to shift to online appointments, but for some, this hasn’t been such a bad thing. This New York Times article outlines the journey of telemedicine. For years, experts have been saying that psychotherapy has been set to go virtual, and this year, their prediction has …