Monthly Archives: November 2022

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction may be an Important Tool for Those with Anxiety

Anxiety can be distressing and sometimes even debilitating, but for those with anxiety, more options are available for relief in addition to traditional pharmaceuticals. Elizabeth A. Hoge MD and her colleagues sought to compare the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to escitalopram, a commonly prescribed pharmaceutical referred to as a “first-line medication for patients with …

5 Ways to Fall Asleep the Night Before a Big Day

Even the best of us have experienced pre-night insomnia: the inability to sleep the night before an important occasion. The “psychophysiological arousal [triggered by a big event]” says Dr. Jade Wu, amplifies already present issues with falling asleep— which then frustrates a person further. Compounding anxiety and frustration leads to overthinking. Even if the event …