Author Archives: Kaylee Mai

The Psychiatrist Will See You…Online

The ongoing pandemic has forced many medical clinics and therapists to shift to online appointments, but for some, this hasn’t been such a bad thing. This New York Times article outlines the journey of telemedicine. For years, experts have been saying that psychotherapy has been set to go virtual, and this year, their prediction has …

Improving Emotional Wellness for Students

students mental health

After a 15 month inquiry, Harvard recently published eight ways to improve their mental health resources for students. The Task Force on Managing Mental Health was formed to respond to the increase in student reports of mental health issues, spiked by the current pandemic and the death of George Floyd. After analyzing issues reported at …

COVID: Stats, Stress, and Re-Entry

COVID Stats Stress and Re-Entry

For those already struggling with a mental illness, the pandemic has hit hard. Nearly half of American adults have reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted by the stress and isolation brought on by the virus, and the coping mechanisms people have spent years working on have fallen apart without warning. Luckily people …