Author Archives: slockemd

Teenager Therapy for Anxious Adolescents

When you think “therapist,” you often don’t think “teenager.” But this summer, many kids are turning to the podcast “Teenager Therapy,” started by five teenagers at Loara High School in Anaheim, California, as a way to get through the day. These five teens have honest, open conversations about school, mental health, relationships, and their daily …

Online “Sleepio” Program Found Effective for Insomnia

A study involving more than 7,000 NHS patients and overseen by a team of Oxford doctors found that an online program helped patients sleep better than face-to-face therapy did. This six-week digital treatment, named Sleepio, helped people with insomnia gain an average of six more hours of sleep, reducing the anxiety and depression that causes …

The Pandemic’s Impact on Kids

Adolescents seem to be among the most affected by the psychological implications of the pandemic, a situation only exacerbated by the upcoming reopening of schools. As depression and anxiety cases spike alongside coronavirus cases, the question of mental health in schools has begun to resurface. Experts advise everyone to remain cautious and urge officials to …

Perfectionism: A Growing Challenge

Perfectionist students are known for their high grades and impressive achievements, but at what cost? Those who strive for that 100% often don’t realize the toll it takes on their mental health, and it can quickly snowball into something unmanageable. Psych Central talks about the causes, dangers, and signs of perfectionism, and ways you can …

Visual Snow: a reality in migraine, tinnitus, and HPPD

Visual snow, as described in a paper published in Neurology, “is a recently identified neurologic condition consisting of a constant positive visual disturbance described as uncountable tiny dots over the entire visual field.” Patients describe it as like seeing a TV static image everywhere they look, and it can be highly disabling for those who …

From Epidemiology to Humor: Coronavirus Resources

Image of the coronavirus

EPIDEMIOLOGY Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. The latest and most up-to-date sources of stats and information on COVID-19: here. Worldometers, a live world statistics site, has good graphics showing up-to-date epidemiological statistics on COVID-19: here. CDC’s Health Alert Network (HAN) is CDC’s primary method of sharing cleared information about urgent public health incidents with public …

Coronavirus: Finding Reliable & Up-to-date information

With increasingly alarming news emerging about the coronavirus (more correctly, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or Covid-19), having a reliable source of information is important. Here are some links that should be helpful: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has frequent updates: CDC FAQS on 2019-nCoV CDC main information page on 2019-nCoV The CDC also has …