Category Archives: Coronavirus

Articles and links regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

How Wearing Face Masks Can Impact Children’s Ability to Read Emotions

A telltale sign of our ongoing pandemic are the masks everyone must now don to protect themselves. But in addition to preventing the spread of the virus, these masks may also be affecting our children in ways that adults don’t see. Children often look for emotional cues from their parents to interpret situations. This communication …

The Pandemic Wall

Recently, it feels like a lot of us have been hitting a wall. It’s normal to be feeling burnt out with everything that’s happened since the pandemic first started. There is a scientific explanation for this: as the article explains, when we experience a stressful event, our system activates its fight-or-flight response. Typically, the brain …

Another Disease Called Loneliness

In a Scientific American article, researchers discuss the effects that social isolation has had on the population. Statistics suggest that even prior to the pandemic, poor social health was an issue for many people, with 79 percent of Gen Zers, 71 percent of millennials and 50 percent of baby boomers reporting a feeling of loneliness. …

Depression during COVID-19

It’s no surprise by now that COVID-19 has worsened people’s mental health. Data from the COVID-19 and Life Stressors Impact on Mental Health showed that all levels of depression showed a significant increase, while people with household incomes below $45,000 were 2.37 times more likely to show symptoms. What might surprise people is that not …

Teenager Therapy for Anxious Adolescents

When you think “therapist,” you often don’t think “teenager.” But this summer, many kids are turning to the podcast “Teenager Therapy,” started by five teenagers at Loara High School in Anaheim, California, as a way to get through the day. These five teens have honest, open conversations about school, mental health, relationships, and their daily …

COVID: Stats, Stress, and Re-Entry

COVID Stats Stress and Re-Entry

For those already struggling with a mental illness, the pandemic has hit hard. Nearly half of American adults have reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted by the stress and isolation brought on by the virus, and the coping mechanisms people have spent years working on have fallen apart without warning. Luckily people …

From Epidemiology to Humor: Coronavirus Resources

Image of the coronavirus

EPIDEMIOLOGY Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. The latest and most up-to-date sources of stats and information on COVID-19: here. Worldometers, a live world statistics site, has good graphics showing up-to-date epidemiological statistics on COVID-19: here. CDC’s Health Alert Network (HAN) is CDC’s primary method of sharing cleared information about urgent public health incidents with public …

Coronavirus: Finding Reliable & Up-to-date information

With increasingly alarming news emerging about the coronavirus (more correctly, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or Covid-19), having a reliable source of information is important. Here are some links that should be helpful: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has frequent updates: CDC FAQS on 2019-nCoV CDC main information page on 2019-nCoV The CDC also has …