
Scientific articles, reviews in popular science journals, book reviews, self-care advice. Articles authored by Dr. Locke and others.


Behaviors that Worsen Anxiety

Anxiety is common and in fact, a very normal feeling to encounter day to day;...

Balancing the Mind: The Benefits and Impact of Psychopharmacology

Psychopharmacology—the study and application of medications to manage mental health conditions—has revolutionized the field of...

Anxiety During the Pandemic

A study published in the Lancet found that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a...

Another Disease Called Loneliness

In a Scientific American article, researchers discuss the effects that social isolation has had on...

A New Hope: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in the Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders

The field of mental health is witnessing a transformative shift with the reemergence of psychedelic-assisted...

A 2-minute Trick for Sleep

Did you know that nearly two out of three Americans were reporting some kind of...

A 15-Minute Rule to Stop Procrastinating

Let’s face it: everyone has dabbled in the art of procrastination at some point in...

5 Ways to Fall Asleep the Night Before a Big Day

Even the best of us have experienced pre-night insomnia: the inability to sleep the night...

5 Reasons to Start a Mindfulness Practice

CNN’s latest article goes through 5 reasons to begin practicing a mindfulness routine, as well...