Author Archives: Kaylee Mai

Study Gives Insight into Biological Linkage in Chronic Fatigue Sydrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME/CFS has long been a confusing illness. Recently, a new study shines a light on the biological basis of the disease. Previously seen as a psychologically-linked disorder, it is now considered to be the result of many different biological changes. Over the course of several weeks, …

Cannabis Use and Psychosis

“Cannabis, Psychosis, and the Legal Implications: Chicken or Egg?” deep dives into the intricate relationship between cannabis use, psychosis, and the legal challenges relating to them. It introduces Gary, a 25-year-old Black veteran, grappling with mental health issues and cannabis dependence after a traumatic brain injury. Cannabis stands as the most widely used illicit drug …

Look Out For These Red Flags in Relationships

Romantic relationships are often turbulent and difficult to maintain. Although it may not be obvious at first, there are certain signs that raise red flags in relationships and threaten its longevity. For example, relationships that feel more like transactions often result in both parties being unhappy in the long term. Professionals such as couples therapists …

Behaviors that Worsen Anxiety

Anxiety is common and in fact, a very normal feeling to encounter day to day; however, anxiety is a hurdle for many people when it becomes persistent. Therapists say these six habits exasperate anxiety: black and white thinking, avoidance, seeking reassurance, catastrophizing, negative self talk, and people pleasing. First, acknowledge the problem from one of …

Telehealth and ketamine

Telehealth has expanded exponentially since the pandemic increased demand for remote health services. The expansion of this service made prescription drugs more accessible, for better or for worse. Ketamine was one of these drugs, prescribed remotely for severe depression and other mental disorders which didn’t previously respond to traditional treatments. With policies loosening restrictions on …

Everything About Sleep

In the busy world of today, getting a good night’s rest may seem impossible. Nevertheless, sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to one’s health. Scientists such as Andrew Huberman Ph.D have tackled what sleep is, why we get sleepy, how to sleep well and many other sleep related questions one …

Cyclic Breathing to Manage Stress

Breathing exercises and related practices such as mindfulness meditation have proven in recent years to be effective tools at combating stress. In a study published in Cell Reports Medicine, cyclic breathing was singled out as the most effective of three exercises— the other two being box breathing and cyclic hyperventilation. A co-author of this new …

The Secret to Waking up Alert

Being drowsy is not only frustrating and unpleasant, but also dangerous. A large proportion of motor vehicle accidents and job injuries are due to a lack of alertness. Loss of productivity and negative effects on the health of workers is also another reason why a restful sleep is essential to every person. Through a study …