Category Archives: Sleep

Everything About Sleep

In the busy world of today, getting a good night’s rest may seem impossible. Nevertheless, sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to one’s health. Scientists such as Andrew Huberman Ph.D have tackled what sleep is, why we get sleepy, how to sleep well and many other sleep related questions one …

The Secret to Waking up Alert

Being drowsy is not only frustrating and unpleasant, but also dangerous. A large proportion of motor vehicle accidents and job injuries are due to a lack of alertness. Loss of productivity and negative effects on the health of workers is also another reason why a restful sleep is essential to every person. Through a study …

5 Ways to Fall Asleep the Night Before a Big Day

Even the best of us have experienced pre-night insomnia: the inability to sleep the night before an important occasion. The “psychophysiological arousal [triggered by a big event]” says Dr. Jade Wu, amplifies already present issues with falling asleep— which then frustrates a person further. Compounding anxiety and frustration leads to overthinking. Even if the event …

A 2-minute Trick for Sleep

Did you know that nearly two out of three Americans were reporting some kind of sleep issue by mid-2021? UC Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner and Drew Ackerman came up with something called “the Worry Journal,” in which you take just a minute or two to write down your thoughts and any worries on the …

Going Back to Sleep at 3am

If you sometimes find it hard to fall asleep, you’re not alone — up to 30% of Americans suffer from symptoms of insomnia. Neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez speaks with Ladder on why this is and what we can do to help our sleeplessness. “When you’re awake at 3 a.m., the best thing you can do …

Here’s How You Can Overcome Your Insomnia

This HealthEssentials article interviews Dr. Foldvary-Schaefer, DO, MS, about understanding insomnia and what one can do to improve their sleeping habits. She goes through the types, causes, and symptoms of insomnia before providing insight concerning sleep aids, recommending a small dosage for a short period of time. With more than 40 million Americans suffering from …

Insomnia: Restoring Restful Sleep

For many people, sleep is an elusive thing. This Harvard Medical School paper goes through the science of normal sleep and then dives into the body’s internal clock and insomnia. About 10% of American adults experience chronic insomnia and experience not only restless nights but also dangerous daytime symptoms: drowsiness, impaired concentration, and depression. The …

How Microbes Can Help You Sleep

Recent studies from the University of Tsukuba in Japan have shown that intestinal health has a very close connection with healthy brain function. Gut bacteria may influence your sleep patterns by helping to create important chemical messengers such as serotonin and dopamine. The study’s lead author, Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, stated that “microbe depletion eliminates serotonin …

13 Types of Insomnia

Sleep isn’t something that comes easy to many people, but some people find it helpful to know exactly what it is they’re suffering from. With the help of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Health has compiled a list of 13 classifications of insomnia. This slideshow provides symptoms, reasons, and statistics about sleep disorders that …

The Truth Behind Melatonin

Melatonin is the hormone largely responsible for our sleep schedules. We tend to think of melatonin as fairly benign and many people take melatonin tablets as dietary supplements as a helpful sleep aid. However, recent studies have shown that melatonin can have harmful effects, especially when taken without any understanding of how it works or …

Online “Sleepio” Program Found Effective for Insomnia

A study involving more than 7,000 NHS patients and overseen by a team of Oxford doctors found that an online program helped patients sleep better than face-to-face therapy did. This six-week digital treatment, named Sleepio, helped people with insomnia gain an average of six more hours of sleep, reducing the anxiety and depression that causes …