
Scientific articles, reviews in popular science journals, book reviews, self-care advice. Articles authored by Dr. Locke and others.


Everything About Sleep

In the busy world of today, getting a good night’s rest may seem impossible. Nevertheless...

Empowering Long-Term Wellness: Behavioral Health Coaching

In the realm of healthcare, the concept of wellness extends beyond just physical health; it...

Emotional Safety Nets for Men?

Though mental illness has never discriminated, men typically find it more difficult to talk about...

Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Disorder

Dismissive attachment disorder is essentially the opposite of an anxiety attachment disorder. Dr. Silvi Saxena...

Depression During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, there’s a pressure to be sucked into the festivities even when...

Depression During Pregnancy

According to a study published in Epigenomics, depression or maternal stress episodes during pregnancy were...

Depression during COVID-19

It’s no surprise by now that COVID-19 has worsened people’s mental health. Data from the...

Depressed? Physical activity helps – a lot

It’s true that when you are depressed, even walking to the mailbox takes more energy...

Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms: Implications for Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

The recent movement toward the decriminalization of magic mushrooms (psilocybin) reflects a growing recognition of...